We strive to make our lounges a relaxing environment for all, with this comes the responsibility to ensure our lounges remain an environment our guests want to spend time in and our team can work safely within. We reserve the right to refuse access or service to any guests who are abusive towards our team members, this includes but is not limited to using aggressive or offensive language, raising your voice, ignoring our team member’s instructions or filming our team members without their prior consent.

We welcome all passengers, whatever their reason for travel, so we must stress the importance of respecting other guests. Please keep noise to a minimum, everyone in the lounge should be able to enjoy a conversation with their travel companions without having to raise their voices. Our lounges do not specifically cater for children, so please make sure that you bring activities that will keep the little ones occupied during your visit.

We don’t employ arbitrary limits on consumption, however we do have a responsibility to ensure guests are fit to fly. If you appear intoxicated, you'll be refused entry to your flight. We will not hesitate to refuse service to any guests or groups that appear to be consuming alcohol in an excessive manner or are acting in a way that is compromising the lounge experience for others or has the potential to cause problems for our staff. If required, our team will enlist the help of airport security or police to enforce this rule.

Furthermore, our dress code stipulates that we reserve the right to refuse admission to anyone wearing clothing which we deem to be unsuitable. This includes themed or fancy dress outfits, clothes with slogans that may cause offence, sports shirts, beach flip flops, vests, and clothing that exposes midriffs or upper thighs. We will not hesitate to enforce this entry requirement. 

Guests who do not adhere to our lounge's terms of entry, relating to disruptive behaviour, dress code, consumption of alcohol and treatment of staff will be refused entry and/or may be asked to leave the lounge, without a refund. 

If this information is not in line with your expectations, we ask that you get in touch with the retailer you booked your visit with to arrange a full refund ahead of your booking.

View all of our Terms & Conditions here.